• All
  • African Americans
  • Disabilities
  • Rural
  • Spanish
  • Tribal
  • Veterans & Military
  • Youth & Young Adults
  • 988VA Know your numbers

    Know Your Numbers

    This hand-out is designed to help individuals distinguish when to call 988, 911, and 211 for support and resources. You can share these resources electronically or by printing them out.
    The flyers are available as a print-ready file with crop marks and a shareable PDF.
  • 988VA Faqs


    Get the answers to the most common questions about 988. You can share these resources electronically or by printing them out.
    The flyers are available as a print-ready file with crop marks and a shareable PDF.
  • 988VA self care checklist

    Self Care Checklist

    Here are some self-care options. You can share these resources electronically or by printing them out.
    The flyers are available as a print-ready file with crop marks and a shareable PDF.
  • 988va infosheet Truths Tips


    Check out these helpful truths and tips and how 988 can help. You can share these resources electronically or by printing them out.
    The flyers are available as a print-ready file with crop marks and a shareable PDF.
  • 988VA do's and don'ts info sheet

    Do’s and Don’ts

    Use these flyers to spread the word about 988 in your communities. You can share these resources electronically or by printing them out.
    The flyers are available as a print-ready file with crop marks and a shareable PDF.
  • 988VA Printable Sticker

    Printable Stickers

    Use these 988 printable stickers to share with your community.
    The stickers are available as a print-ready file with crop marks and a shareable PDF.
  • 988VA Printable magnets

    Printable Magnets

    Help make sure 988 is known in every business, workplace and home.
    The magnets files are available as a print-ready file with crop marks and a shareable PDF.
  • 988VA Wallet Cards

    Wallet Cards

    Hand these wallet cards out at tabling events or make them available in public spaces for people to learn more about what happens when you contact 988. These doublesided wallet cards are avilable for everyone as 988 awareness, Veterans and Active Duty Military and in Spanish.
    These wallet card files are available as a print-ready file with crop marks and a shareable PDF.
  • 988VA Disability community shareable

    Disabilities Poster

    Share this printable and shareable poster with People with Disability Communities.
    This poster is available in color and black and white.
  • 988VA General care shareable

    General Poster

    This printable and shareable poster helps publicize 988.
    This poster is available in color and black and white.
  • 988 logos rgb

    988 Logos – RGB (digital)

    RGB digital versions of 988 logo in various colors and formats.

  • 988 CMYK logos

    988 Logos – CMYK (print)

    CMYK print versions in of 988 logo in various colors and formats.

  • 988 logos compilation

    Logos & Tagline deck

    PDF file displaying the different variations of 988 logos and tagline.

  • Contemplative young woman drinking coffee or tea and looking window at home

    Photo 020

    Contemplative young woman drinking coffee or tea and looking at window at home.

  • Thoughtful bored millennial guy lost in thoughts, sitting on coach, looking away.

    Photo 019

    Thoughtful bored millennial guy lost in thoughts, sitting on coach, looking away.

  • young man sitting alone on the sofa at home and looking contemplative

    Photo 018

    Young man sitting alone on the sofa at home and looking contemplative.

  • young man wearing white sweatshirt and black bucket hat, using mobile phone.

    Photo 017

    Young man wearing white sweatshirt and black bucket hat, using mobile phone.

  • Senior man contemplating at home

    Photo 016

    Senior man contemplating at home.

  • Young woman sitting alone on a mat and meditating on the beach at sunset

    Photo 015

    Young woman sitting alone on a mat and meditating on the beach at sunset

  • A mature black woman relaxes on the pier at the beach.

    Photo 014

    A mature woman relaxes on the pier at the beach.

  • Mature man looking through window at home

    Photo 013

    Mature man looking through window at home.

  • Young woman looking out the window.

    Photo 012

    Serious thoughtful young female lost in thoughts, thinking about a problem.

  • Man sitting at the table, thinking.

    Photo 011

    Man sitting at the table, thinking.

  • Pensive elderly mature senior man in eyeglasses, looking in distance.

    Photo 010

    Pensive elderly mature senior man in eyeglasses, looking in distance.

  • Old woman smiling at the sun.

    Photo 009

    Senior woman portrait at sunset.

  • Girl looking away in the street.

    Photo 008

    Portrait of a young woman on a windy day.

  • Man sitting in a dark room.

    Photo 007

    Pensive man thinking over problem solution, working on laptop

  • Businessman looking away on the street

    Photo 006

    Businessman looking away on the street.

  • Young woman lost in thought, looking out of the window

    Photo 005

    Sad, unhappy teenage girl.

  • Young woman leaning head back in the wall, thinking with her eyes closed.

    Photo 004

    Frustrated woman feeling lost, standing at the office

  • Smiling young woman by the window

    Photo 003

    Smiling young woman by the window

  • White hair woman looking at space

    Photo 002

    Mature woman during her workout.

  • radio image

    Station Produced Radio Scripts

    Share these radio scripts with your radio station partners around your community.

  • call 988 social media post

    SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS (spanish)

    Three social media shareables in Spanish, promoting the 988 lifeline.

  • 988 faq social media post

    988 FAQ CAROUSEL (spanish)

    Social media carousel of five slides in Spanish, answering frequently asked questions about 988 lifeline.

  • spanish 988 social media screenshot

    How to carousel (spanish)

    Social media carousel of five slides in Spanish, with details of when and what to expect when calling 988.

  • call 988 carousel social media spanish

    Call 988 carousel (spanish)

    Social media carousel of two slides promoting the 988 lifeline in spanish.

  • Social media template screenshot in spanish language

    Social media template (spanish)

    Editable template for social media posts in Spanish on Instagram or Facebook.

    Powerpoint format, includes instructions how to customize it.

  • 988 social media post screenshot

    Template for social media

    Editable template for social media posts on Instagram or Facebook.

    Powerpoint format, includes instructions how to customize it.

  • Social media post screenshot

    Social media best practices

    A six page PDF providing guidance and best practices for using DBHDS 988 social posts.

  • Three social media shareables promoting the 988 lifeline.

    Social media posts

    Three social media shareables promoting the 988 lifeline.

  • 988 faq social media shareable

    988 FAQ Carousel

    Social media carousel of five slides answering frequently asked questions about 988 lifeline.

  • social medi slide when to call 988

    How to carousel

    Social media carousel of five slides with details of when and what to expect when calling 988.

  • social media carousel call 988

    Call 988 Carousel

    Social media carousel of two slides promoting the 988 lifeline.

  • 988 spanish poster screenshot

    988 Poster in Spanish

    One page poster in Spanish that includes instructions how to call and what to expect when calling 988.

    Ready to print in pdf format.

  • 988 flyer screenshot

    988 Flyer

    Ready to print one page flyer in pdf format.

  • Powerpoint template for a 988 flyer in 14 different variations.

    988 Flyer Template

    Powerpoint template for a 988 flyer in 14 different variations.

    Includes instructions how to edit and export.

  • screenshot of a 988 poster

    988 Posters

    A poster that includes instructions how to call and what to expect when calling 988, pdf format.

  • Screenshot of a 988 Virginia card

    988 Cards

    A pdf that can be used to print cards to be handed out promoting 988 number

  • 988 and 211 Print material screenshot

    988 and 211 PDF

    A pdf you can print that shows which cases someone should call 988 and when 211.

  • Depressed man in the park

    Photo 001

    Unhappy man outside.

  • 988 powerpoint presentation thumbnail depicting the various options.

    Presentation template

    Powerpoint presentation template including many variations with images and text boxes, ready to customize. Includes instructions how to edit.
