Asset Types: Social Media

call 988 social media post


Three social media shareables in Spanish, promoting the 988 lifeline.

988 faq social media post

988 FAQ CAROUSEL (spanish)

Social media carousel of five slides in Spanish, answering frequently asked questions about 988 lifeline.

spanish 988 social media screenshot

How to carousel (spanish)

Social media carousel of five slides in Spanish, with details of when and what to expect when calling 988.

call 988 carousel social media spanish

Call 988 carousel (spanish)

Social media carousel of two slides promoting the 988 lifeline in spanish.

Social media template (spanish)

Editable template for social media posts in Spanish on Instagram or Facebook. Powerpoint format, includes instructions how to customize it.

988 social media post screenshot

Template for social media

Editable template for social media posts on Instagram or Facebook. Powerpoint format, includes instructions how to customize it.

Social media post screenshot

Social media best practices

A six page PDF providing guidance and best practices for using DBHDS 988 social posts.

Social media posts

Three social media shareables promoting the 988 lifeline.

988 faq social media shareable

988 FAQ Carousel

Social media carousel of five slides answering frequently asked questions about 988 lifeline.

social medi slide when to call 988

How to carousel

Social media carousel of five slides with details of when and what to expect when calling 988.